
guinea pigs

Ahhhh, the joys of having a mother who loves to photograph... they hear, "No, look at me... you are smiling like you are in pain... fake laugh at your brother -- isn't he funny??" way too often, but I'm sure they will appreciate it someday, right? We went downtown to seek out some interesting architecture (we drove in circles for quite some time as I could not find the building I had seen a couple weeks earlier and KNEW was around there somewhere!!! Never found it...) My husband actually said as we got back in the car, "Well, I guess that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!" And the kids got Blow Pops for being so good... can it get better than that?


"is this the last one?"

What a gorgeous setting to do a shoot, and it was their own backyard! Such a beautiful family, inside and out, and the girls were such good sports when my, "just a few more, girls!" turned into about 108 more... But they were so cute! What else could I do? These are just a few of my favorites -- so hard to choose! Thank you for such a perfectly wonderful evening!!


good friends

I took my daughter and her friend to Old Town for a fun shoot. I clicked away as they acted like their old selves, and asked them to do a few crazy things, too... but they loved it. I just had to watch out for the cars coming through the parking lot as I knelt down in the alley...


We used to do egg hunts with all the cousins at Grandpa & Grandma's house, and then we moved away, and we hadn't had one since. So it was time to start our own, and the neighbors were sweet enough to join in with us. It sure brought back wonderful memories, and hopefully we'll keep creating more.